- Best Horror Novel!
- Best Monster Novel!
- Forgotten Horror Classic!
- Hall of Blood Inductees!
Sounds like exciting stuff, doesn't it?!? Well, it is! And if you're wondering when the actual Bloody winners will be announced, stay tuned! A date has been chosen, and we will announce it this week! So stay tuned to this fabulous website!!!
And now, on to our regularly scheduled broadcast...
HORROR HOUND Magazine! It's Great!!!

I know that I am a Johnny-Come-Lately on this, but I have discovered a great horror magazine - HORROR HOUND! I've seen this in the bookstores in the past, but never got around to actually purchasing a title. But a few days ago, I was perusing the magazine section, and my eyes fell upon the latest issue of Horror Hound, and all of my favorite killers were looking back at me from the cover! So I took a gander, and it was filled with great stuff, most notably a long and in depth article centered around the slasher films of the '80s! Like I said, great stuff!!! And it wasn't just the typical Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street stuff (not that those movies aren't great and all, but enough already, I know about them!) - no, this article was an A-Z listing of great slasher films, but they are some that are of the lesser known variety! That means more great movies to add to my "Need to See" list! By the way, I think I'll need to live to 125 (at least!) in order to watch all of the movies that I want to!
Anyway, the magazine is great, and I can't wait until the next issue comes out! If you haven't checked it out yet, and you are a fan of horror stuff, do yourself a favor and get an issue of HORROR HOUND! And to top it all off, it's only $6.99! These days, that's quite a steal!!!
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