Monday, February 8, 2010


Time for another run review by your Uncle Bloodman! Okay, that might have sounded a little creepy, but here we go!
As usual, I won't bore you with the details of what the book is about. You can check out the link if you want to know more, but basically it's a horror western. Sounds pretty cool, doesn't it? I was very psyched to read this book after I had heard some great things about Tim Curran. I ordered the book off of Amazon, and as I waited for its arrival, I did some looking into Mr. Curran. After checking out his website, (take a look for yourself - here!), I decided that this was the greatest man ever to llive! Well, next to me that is. Before ever actually reading any of his books, I decided he was the greatest writer ever to write, and I had a new favorite author. His bio was funny, and it sounded like it was basically me writing the damn thing! He even used my rating scale of 5 Bloody Skulls - I swear I didn't know, and I didn't steal it from him intentionally (if you're out there Tim, please feel free to yell at me - until then, your silence means you approve!)!
Anyway, he seemed like a pretty cool guy!
That is why I am slightly torn about my review. Perhaps I was just too gung ho about the whole thing and got my hopes way too high, but the book just didn't excite me as much as I hoped it would. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, it just didn't match up to what I anticipated. The horror scenes were definitely fun, but I guess there weren't enough of them for my liking. Judging by some reviews that Mr. Curran did himself for other books, he appears to like a lot of blood and guts in his books, so maybe Skin Medicine is an anomoly. And again, don't get me wrong, there was plenty of blood and gore at parts. I think the bottom line is that I just got my hopes a little too high before actually reading the damn thing. I'm guessing if I had just read the darn book before going all bonkers, I probably would have loved it!
So I am giving this one 3 out of 5 Bloody Skulls, and I am definitely going to check out more of Tim Curran's books. They all sound like a lof fun, and he seems like a cool guy!

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