Friday, January 22, 2010


Hi folks, and welcome to another fine review by yours truly, Bloodman! Today, as you can see by the picture above, I will be discussing THE BLACK TRAIN, Edward Lee's newest Leisure release.

First, a little history lesson for everyone concerning this book, which is especially appropriate since this book deals a little bit with history - all of which is completely true! As mentioned in the beginning of the book by the author himself, THE BLACK TRAIN is a revised version of Gast, which was originally published as a limited edition hardback by Camelot Books. Just thought I'd throw that out there for you history buffs (and I know there a lot of history buffs reading this fine website)!

Anyway, I thought the book had a really interesting premise, but I'm not sure I liked it as much as I thought I would. Overall, I did enjoy the book, but it wasn't exactly what I expected. Although with Edward Lee, I'm never exactly sure what to expect. I never dislike his books, but some of them definitely leave me more satisfied than others. I think this one was one of his that didn't satisfy me to the fullest.

I say this, again, not because it was a bad book, but because I didn't find it to be enough of a horror book. And by that, I mean there wasn't enough blood and guts. Sure, there were plenty of brutal scenes and such, but never the full-out gory fun we can sometimes expect from Mr. Lee. Honestly, I'd say it was more of a sex book than horror (not that that's necessarily a bad thing). And even the sex parts were weird - all of the women seemed to have great bodies, but ugly heads (isn't this the second book of his that this has happened?)!

As you know by reading my reviews by now, I won't bore you with the details of the plot - if you want to know that, you can find it elsewhere. What I will say is that I did find the book enjoyable overall, but not enough blood and guts for my liking - but worth checking out!

I give this one 3 out of 5 Bloody Skulls!

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